Our Targets


Islamic values 

Through academic programmes and other activities, students will learn and appreciate the values, beliefs and attitudes of Muslims, and to explore what this means to them as individuals and as part of the wider community of Maldives. 

Improve the academic and social achievement of all students.

At Mulak School every effort will be made to develop a strong academic emphasis so that the students have every chance to succeed in the modern world. The school will also organize social activities so that students can achieve a high standard both as individuals and as members of the school and the community; students will be able to depend on the support of teachers and staff to reach their maximum potential. 

Health and Physical Education 

Students at all levels will be able to maximize their physical growth and development through age-appropriate physical activity, and will be able to compete against peers both within and from other schools to develop a keen sense of competition and sportsmanship. 

Relationship with the community 

We believe that our relationship with the Mulak community is crucial to the success of the school. Therefore, we will make every effort and provide opportunities for parents and guardian of students to participate in the decision making of the school and to build excellent relationship with the teachers and the management of the school. 

Students at different levels will be able to engage in activities related to the community so that they can develop a greater sense of the value of social responsibility, citizenship and civic responsibility. 

Human Resource Development 

The school will give a strong emphasis to the recruitment and retention of highly competent staff who can engage children of all ages appropriately; and as part of this emphasis, the school will ensure that teachers and staff receive ample opportunities for continuous professional development. 

Learning and teaching resources 

In order to ensure that students are given the best opportunities, the school will focus on the development and maintenance of high-quality laboratories particularly science and computer labs and other teaching resources. 

The school will also ensure that the library is stocked with sufficient reading and reference materials for the needs of the students and staff. 

Holistic education 

The school will develop and follow a programme of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to enhance the emotional, artistic and cultural development of students. 

Branding strategy 

Develop a branding strategy to distinguish Mulak School from other schools, as this will attract better teachers and staff, enhance the standing of the school in the educational community, and also attract different forms of assistance and collaboration.